Farm Happenings at Wabi Sabi Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 22, 2018

Posted on August 20th, 2018 by Ben Saunders

We can hear both the collective sighs of relief that Summer Squash Season is winding down and the shouts of Joy that Winter Squash season is just beginning!  Hopefully no one felt too overwhelmed this season with the new software we are using for the Farm Shares!  We noticed, while packing shares, that it didn't seem like anyone was getting a large quantity of Summer Squash unless they logged in and added more to their share.  Was this your experience?  Please feel free to give us any comments on how you like the shares this season and the new software we are using!

The last week or two we have really noticed an unfamiliar Haze in the sky!  While it can seem hard to believe that conditions on the west coast could effect us here in Iowa (like all the fires they've been having) it seems like it has!  Just last week we noticed that the Sun's rays seemed more intense and the only thing we can attribute it to is the smoke particles in the air!  Our thoughts are definitely with our friends farming out West right now!!!

While we've hit the halfway point in the Regular Season Shares we are now asking for feedback on the Shares so far and giving a few friendly reminders!  The Spring weather was a real struggle to get things planted/harvested but using the new software seems to have made sure everyone received their monies worth each week!  We are one of 36 Farms in the country to be invited to use this new software and all in all we are happy with it but it would be nice to hear your thoughts!!!  Also a few reminders as we finish out the last half of the season.  Please remember to look for the share with your name on it.  Since everyone can customize their shares not all shares are the same like they used to be.  If you are sending someone else to pick up your share, please remind them to look for the right share.  Our site hosts graciously let us use their homes as drop sites without any compensation besides home delivery.  Please remember to unfold your share box and leave it with the stack as not to clutter up their porches with a bunch of boxes.  Finally, the pick up times are from 4:30pm till 6pm.  If you're running late you can always text/call Farmer Ben at 515-745-9951 BEFORE 6pm to let us know!  Life happens and sometimes we all run late, but if we don't hear from you by 6pm of your delivery day your share will be donated to the drop site host.  Rest assured it won't be wasted as most drop site hosts take the shares to a food pantry or otherwise gift it to a family that really enjoys it!

Stayed tuned to your emails as we are in the works of planning a couple big events partnering up with local chefs/destination places!  Can't reveal too many details right now but these should be very tasty events and we're already bursting with excitement!!!  We really wish we could share more but watch your future emails from us!!!