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Farm Happenings at Val's Veggies
Farm Happenings for August 3, 2020
Wow the summer is flying by, this is the half way point for our 20 week farm shares.
Lots more things are starting to ripen. Our later cabbage has been looking beautiful until
we went to cut it and the earwigs found it first!! They totally filled them with holes, so no 1 read more »
The tomatoes are really starting to come on! Tomatoes are a favorite around here and it's so fun to see the many different varieties. We picked our first tomato a couple of weeks ago, which is a week or two ahead of last year.
We've had days over 100 degrees here at the ranch. With the heat, comes1 read more »
Farm happenings for July 20
Our hot summer days are finally here!! We picked our first box of tomatoes this week. Nothing says summer to me more than
a good ripe tomato. We won't have enough for the boxes until next week. We do have some sweet corn this week. It is an early
corn so th1 read more »
Flowers and Fruit
How is it the end of another week already?! The days are long, but the weeks fly by! Anyway, Zeb finally got his flowers planted in the ground this past week! This past winter Zeb decided all on his own that he wanted to sell flowers at farmers market this year. His parents and his Nana want to enc1 read more »
From 1776 to the present day, on July 4th Americans celebrate the birth of their independence and freedom! Not only are we thankful to live in this country, but we are also thankful to live out in the country! Play on words there!
We've had three extra littles this week to "help" with our bus1 read more »