Farm Happenings at Trumpeter Swan Farm
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Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer Season, Week 1, Delivery May 31st thru June 2nd

Posted on May 30th, 2022 by Phil Hannay

Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer Season, Week 1, Delivery May 31st thru June 2nd

---- Welcome to Summer ----

Well, it is finally that time of year again. I want to thank all previous members for signing up for another season and I want to welcome all new members to "Your Farm". Without all of you we would not be able to do what we love and you folks wouldn't be able to get fresh fruits, veggies, and eggs delivered right to your door. Here's to another great season, and hopefully a ton of great produce.

---- Planting News ----

With the rain this year and colder temperatures planting has been slow but successful. We had a late start this year with transplanting and seed planting starting in early May. Normally we start planting Mid-April. However, even with these set backs we have caught up to where we were last year. We now have most of our main season crops planted, and our early season crops should be producing soon.

---- Harvest News ----

This year has been slow. Lettuce and Spinach are normally the first field crops that get harvest in the spring. However, with cool temperatures they have been growing quite slow. One thing that has surprised us is asparagus. Asparagus is a perennial so it pops up right away every spring. With last years drought we were expecting a lackluster asparagus harvest this year. But so far it has been quite plentiful. Now that being said, asparagus will only continue being harvested for a little while now. Once again after last years drought we don't want to over pick it and hurt the plant system. This year is all about recovery for the asparagus.

---- Special Cucumbers ----

We have a limited supply of surplus slicer cucumbers from Jimmy and Heather of Farm Farm up in Princeton. We know these two from the Buffalo Farmers Market. They run a small farm and have a heated greenhouse. They had extra cucumbers and wondered if we would be interested. These are this week only, our field raised cucumbers are still about 4 to 5 weeks out.

Ian Hannay
Farm Manager