Farm Happenings at The Farm at Millican Reserve
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Farm Happenings for August 14, 2021

Posted on August 12th, 2021 by Alexander Admin

Howdy All,

Hope you are doing well. This week on the farm we have some new beginnings - the red noodle beans are finally harvestable, the Texas creme peas are fruiting, and after a quick taste test we found the watermelons are just a couple weeks away from harvest! It seems we have hit a second wave of army worms and they sure live up to their name, but we are finding ways to mitigate their damage. The first round of fall crops, like broccoli, collards and other greens are also starting to germinate in the small flats, yay! Until then we hope to make the most of our remaining summer crops. 

Thank you all so much for your support of the farm. You are very appreciated! Take care. 
