Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
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Week 15

Posted on August 19th, 2023 by Ford Waterstrat

Here's a great picture of the team that makes it all happen. We celebrated 3 birthdays this week- Omar is on the left- Israel is in the middle and Abigail aka Badin is on the bottom right. I hired my in house chef (Finley) to make the guys favorite home made chocolate cake and home made chocolate icing.

There are days when I get to spend time with the guys out in the fields. When I do- spend time with them out there it honestly just doesn't seem fair. They have to leave their families for 6-8 months at a time and do hard work day in and day out. They do this every day without skipping a beat and have a great attitude. Not only do they work hard- they are incredibly smart and use their talents to bless the farm. Sure I've got plenty of stress and have taken the risk to farm for a living but I had a choice. These guys come to work here with me because it is there best option. Carlos and Pavel both have 4 year computer science degrees from a University in Mexico-- but this is there best option. 

If you've not taken time to watch the employee spotlights in the monthly newsletter- I encourage you to do so. Neat guys!

March Morgan
April Hugo
May Pavel
June Carlos
July Abigail
August Jorge

