Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
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Week 9

Posted on July 7th, 2023 by Ford Waterstrat

This picture is from several years ago. Hugo celebrated his birthday this week- We try to bake each one of the guys a cake on their birthday and sing their native Happy Birthday song- It's pretty funny to have a bunch of guys from Mexico singing awkwardly but we do it anyway! I'm blessed with a great group of guys that work here- Next week we will be creating you tube videos for the employee spotlight in our monthly newsletters- We hope that you enjoy getting to know the team that works so hard to bring your share each week-

Did you know that each employee has a specific color pen and mark that they make as they prepare your share. If your share is ever mispacked- please reach out to me with a photo of your share label. If there is an employee that makes more than the occasional mistake- they don't get a birthday cake :) Just kidding. We always want you to be happy- so reach out if you're not.

We sampled the first watermelon of the season-- its probably a week or 2 away. There are several signs that a watermelon is ripe- and that works 90% of the time. Just be prepared- If you get one of the 10% that aren't ripe- please let us know ASAP so we can put a credit in your account-

Sincere thanks,
