Farm Happenings at Park Ridge Organics
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Farm Happenings at Park Ridge Organics

Fieldwork Vs. Brainwork

Posted on January 30th, 2020
It might be deep winter outside but I am keeping my brain warm and fuzzy inside these days. The most important part about seasonal farming is definitely the off season.  It's when we learn and really grow.  Last week I pot-lucked with a clan of local veggie farmers over in Plymouth. 1 read more »

Your Extended Season Share will AUTO RENEW on January 20th

Posted on January 1st, 2020
Next winter might seem like eons away but we are making sure you are ready for it!  This years Extended Season Shares sold out faster than ever.  With auto renewal you can rest assured that you are in for another Extended Season with Park Ridge Organics and won't miss out!  Please no1 read more »