Farm Happenings at Park Ridge Organics
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Late Season Share #3: Store Veggies vs Storage Veggies

Posted on November 23rd, 2018 by Robyn Calvey

It is getting to be that time of year when I am faced with purchasing a few veggies from the store.  I wish I could say that we live 100% off the farms veggies but that wouldn't be practical in our household.  Frances loves broccoli and I simply didn't get a chance to freeze any this summer... so store bought broccoli it it.  She also loves roasted tomatoes so yes, I have even purchased a few pints of those in the last couple weeks. I know, what a seasonal sin!  But lets face it, if there is something a toddler LIKES to eat you find it and feed it to them.   

I will say that pulling out our favorites: carrots, potatoes, onions and celery (yes we still have celery in storage!) from the cooler is VERY rewarding as the winter chill sets in.  Even though the veggies are only getting older as time goes on, they really do seem to get better!  The alternative choice (store bought) is just not the same.  The photo in this post is of Frances snacking on celery the last week that it was growing in the hoophouse.  It was all harvested in early November, washed and tucked away in the cooler.  It is holding up well but this will be the last of it for the season.  Sigh.   I guess I will have to add that to my grocery store list in the weeks to come.  Until then, I plan to enjoy every stalk I can!  

Thank you for eating local longer and reminder that the last Late Season Share will be December 13th (15th for poco pick up). 

And if you haven't signed up for your 2019 Share yet, here is a handy link to our website where you can sign up!  Reminder that Early Bird Prices end December 16th!  
