Farm Happenings at Park Ridge Organics
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Week #17: Will Work for Food!

Posted on September 28th, 2018 by Robyn Calvey

At the farm, we have an amazing labor force.  They work in the hot, cold, rain, snow, mosquitoes and everything in between.  A big part of that labor force are the Worker Shares.  This season there are 12 of them and they work for food!  Each week for the entire 20 week season they show up for their weekly shift which could be harvesting or washing, packing or sorting, or as in this photo, separating garlic for planting!  In return for all their hard work they receive a share.  Some worker shares have been with us for over 7 seasons!  We will have more information about our worker share program for the 2019 season at the end of October on our website.  

Thanks Worker Shares and ALL THE FARM staff for all your hard work!  With only 4 weeks of harvest left, we are in the home stretch :)  And then you can let your bodies rest!  

Enjoy the cool, mosquito free weekend! 

Your Farmer in Chief, 
