Farm Happenings at Park Ridge Organics
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Week #6: Organic Inspection Success!

Posted on July 13th, 2018 by Robyn Calvey

Soon to come veggies: cherry tomatoes, more cucumbers, more green peppers, yellow beans, more green beans, more cabbage, more lettuce, hot peppers, golden beets

On Monday, we had our annual Organic Inspection here at the farm.  It went very well and thanks to TONS of record keeping around the farm we had everything we needed on hand.  Following the USDA Certified Organic standards is not a small task...its a big dill (ha ha-produce joke!).  As a consumer, you should sleep well knowing that the produce you get from us is grown using organic methods.  No questions asked.  There are a few items we purchase in (like the strawberries) that may not be organic but we will be VERY clear about those items and let you know.  If you have any specific questions for us about what being certified Organic means, we are happy to answer those for you via email or phone (920-539-2083).  

We believe in the USDA Certified Organic program and stand behind it.  So should you! 

Your Farmer in Chief,
