Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
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June roars to a close here at the farm.

Posted on June 28th, 2019 by Michael Moss

Can you say, "Hello Summer?"

Save the Date: Kilt Farm Summer Fiesta, Saturday July 27th, 11am-2pm. More info coming soon! 

My goodness. Today was a scorcher at the farm. In our line of work, the weather drives what we can do from one day to the next. This morning we started extra early at 6 am to harvest, wash, pack and weed before the temps became totally silly. It felt good to get the staff off to their weekend a bit early to relax and cool off after a long week. In this heat, we have to be on our toes to manage the fields and keep our plants, and ourselves, healthy and happy. 

We can't send our plants to the pool so we keenly manage our irrigation at this time of year. Too much water and the plants start to drown. Not enough water and they wilt and weaken. I think of irrigation sort of the like the waxing and waining of the moon. We fill the soil with water and then the plants and gravity drain it out. On these hot days, the plants are not just drinking to help their growth, they are also transpiring like mad - that's the fancy term for plants sweating. Yes, plants sweat like we do to stay cool.

This week we are offering the first of our root crops. We have red, gold and chioggia beets which will be followed in the next week by our yaya carrots. Soon you will see fennel, summer squash and cucumbers in your boxes. Throughout the farm we are also seeing the first flowers of summers bounty. It is looking beautiful out there!

Remember that you can add eggs, coffee, mushrooms and other items to when you customize your share each week.

Thanks for being a member and supporting our work in the community.  

Michael Moss, Your Kilted Farmer.