Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #5

Posted on June 12th, 2020 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes to the drive thru... The drive through option at the market won't be available anymore. BUT, there's a new system in place that should work better. I know that several of you used the drive thru, and several more 'tried' to use the drive thru but had issues. We're sorry it wasn't as user friendly as it was intended - there were issues with it being blocked, crowded, too tight at entrance, etc. So the new method for low contact pick ups is a 'pick up parking spot'. The spot will be right next to the market master tent, you can tell someone at the tent that you have a Hoot Owl pre-order, and we'll bring your order out to your car. You can even remain in your car, and a volunteer from the market tent will come to your window to get your order details. We totally understand that you may need to utilize this option at the beginning of the pick up window, and that's fine! But, if possible and not inconvenient for you, we recommend that you wait until at least 4-4:30 to pick up your veggies. This is because the market is very busy at the beginning, there are a lot more people around, we are busy at our booth, and the volunteers are busy at the market tent. We know that your using the pick up option is out of a concern for social distancing, so we'd like to minimize any confusion/mix ups that are more likely to occur at the busy times! 

Since some of you are getting more cabbage this week, and some of you may still have cabbage from last week (or earlier?!, no worries cabbage is a good keeper), we wanted to share a few additional recipe ideas. Here are a few links sent to us by a CSA Member and they sound great - thanks Rita for sharing!

Balsamic, Honey Roasted Cabbage Steaks - basically cabbage slices brushed with goodness and roasted

Cabbage Hashbrowns - a great way to enjoy cabbage for breakfast

Cashew Cabbage - sounds like a darn good stir-fry!

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls - Make a delicious filling, drop whole cabbage into boiling water for a few minutes, and it's totally pliable for wrapping up your filling and baking. This recipe calls for a beef and rice filling with tomato sauce. 

We have also been loving to eat our cabbage in tacos along with a meat filling (shrimp, fish, chicken, etc.). We make the slaw by shredding either regular or Napa Cabbage, and mixing with a sauce - for us, it's usually greek yogurt, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil & garlic. Just some ideas!

This week saw quite a bit more planting on the farm. Things are really growing fast, and this burst of warm weather we're supposed to see this weekend, just might send some more cherry tomatoes into a color change. Our summer squash are flowering like crazy, but we always have to temper our excitement once we see blossoms. We almost always see our summer squash plants start producing female flowers a week or two before the male flowers. This means that all of the first fruits end up wasting away because they aren't getting pollinated. We were pretty bummed to see this happening at first, but after a few years of the same start to squash season, we have come to expect it. It's just the females leading the way, am I right?! At least that's Bonnie's explanation, lol!

See you all at pick up this week - Bonnie & Rudy