Farm Happenings at Fallon Food Hub
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What's Happening - July 6th & 8th

Posted on June 30th, 2021 by Lyndsey Luck

Greetings Farm Fans!!!

Fruit Bread of the Week

This week - the lovely ladies at Lattin Farms are heralding summer with zucchini breads!  Three varieties are available: Zucchini, Zucchini Nut, and Zucchini Chocolate Chip.

For those of you who are keeping track... The chocolate challenge did not end up as I anticipated last week.  Lemon still takes the proverbial cake and has inspired true devotion from our Tuesday subscribers.  

Coffee of the Week

We are heading south of the border for our coffee selection this week.  Our "Arriba" blend is a great way to kick-start your morning!  A blend of Mexican Peaberry and Mexican Organic coffees.  The Mexican Organic brings sweet flavors of caramel apple, and vanilla while the Mexican Peaberry contributes chocolatey notes with a nutty finish.  Fun Fact - peaberry coffee is the result of only one-half of the coffee cherry being fertilized. As the fertilized half of the coffee "bean" develops, it forms a round shape with nothing to flatten up against inside the coffee fruit.  Only about 5% of the worlds coffees are peaberrys!

Farmer Update

Everyone is hot.  Hot and dusty. 

Lattin's supply of cherry tomatoes has kicked up a notch--we have 60 pints available each delivery day.  In addition, they are listing green tomatoes for the first time this week--so channel your inner Idgie Threadgoode and and make a Fried Green Tomato BLT.  

Salisha & Two Ravens are continuing to harvest leafy greens including spicy rocket, yukina savoy, red mustard, and mixed kale.  Desert Farming Initiative has a light harvest this week but has beets, kale, and a limited amount of zucchini.  

Pioneer Farms continues (somehow--not sure about what kind of farmer magic he is using) to harvest his marvelous cabbage, broccoli, and fennel.  Scott grows the most delicious onions (and other alliums) and he has started harvesting them in force.  This week we have both leeks and spring onions available.

It looks like I will be heading up to Truckee to pick up some CA produce.  I am going to utilize this opportunity to bring in some special items that are in high demand, like strawberries.  I was really excited that we had a delivery entirely made up of Nevada produce this last week--so I am a little bummed to revert back to our neighbors to the west.  Ultimately, this is necessary because we are distributing so much produce, so I am going to count my blessings.

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! 

Thank you for your continued support of Nevada Farmers!
