Farm Happenings at Fallon Food Hub
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What's Happening - June 29th & July 1

Posted on June 23rd, 2021 by Lyndsey Luck

Greetings Farm Fans!!!

Fruit Bread of the Week

The master bakers at Lattin Farms are whisking up some delicious CHOCOLATE breads this week.  Our selections include Triple Chocolate, Chocolate Raspberry, and Chocolate Nut bread.  We keep tabs on which breads are most popular and (to date) the most popular varieties hands-down are lemon... That being said, I have a gut feeling that the chocolate breads are going to (excuse me for this) Take The Cake!

Coffee of the Week

We are heading south of the border for our coffee selection this week.  Our "Arriba" blend is a great way to kick-start your morning!  A blend of Mexican Peaberry and Mexican Organic coffees.  The Mexican Organic brings sweet flavors of caramel apple, and vanilla while the Mexican Peaberry contributes chocolatey notes with a nutty finish.  Fun Fact - peaberry coffee is the result of only one-half of the coffee cherry being fertilized. As the fertilized half of the coffee "bean" develops, it forms a round shape with nothing to flatten up against inside the coffee fruit.  Only about 5% of the worlds coffees are peaberrys!

Farmer Update

Salisha is back in full force!  She has started harvesting her delicious RED carrots and beets.  Red carrots are rich in beta-carotene and higher in lycopene than their orange siblings.  On top of their top-notch nutrient content, Salisha's red carrots are sweet and delicious.  She is also listing her first mixed-color radishes and purple-topped turnips of the year! 

Two Ravens Farm is back this week with their spicy rocket arugula.  Jaime is so considerate and brings me an extra bag to munch on while I am on our Tuesday delivery routes!  So if you see me with some leafy greens hanging out of my mouth--don't judge!  This arugula is just that tasty!

Farmer Scott Goodpasture from Pioneer Farms has loaded up our inventory with Green and NOW Purple Cabbage, Rutabagas, Fennel, Purple Cauliflower, and Broccoli.  His also listing spring onions and leeks for the first time this year.  On the other side of the harvest, the first round of Pioneer Farms kohlrabi is nearing the end of its availability.  If you are a kohlrabi lover OR have never given it a try, grab some this week or you might not get a chance until September.

Desert Farming Initiative is ALL IN with their romaine harvest!  The heads are beautiful, crisp, and delicious (especially in a caesar salad)!  Daikon radish, Orange carrots, and kale harvests continue.  Most excitingly, we have a VERY limited quantity of first-of-the-season cucumbers!

Finally, Lattin Farms is picking their first Cherry Tomatoes - again these beauties including sun golds, gold nuggets, and more are available in super limited quantities this week.  That being said--summer produce in abundance is going to be here in a matter of a week or so! 

Thank you for your continued support of Nevada Farmers!
