Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for March 15, 2021

Posted on March 16th, 2021 by Marnie Chown

This week it's really starting to look like spring around here!

Our fields are almost completely bare now! It rained off and on one night last week and now everything is frozen again, but most of the snow has vanished! 



In the Greenhouse

We fired up the greenhouse heaters and it's starting to fill it up in there!

Seeding trays and trays and trays isn't the most stimulating work but podcasts sure help keep our minds working. 

Pat is almost finished all the new tables and Sarah is the one filling them at the moment. Stay tuned for some staff intros in the next few newsletters! We love our team and we'd like you to get to know them a little bit.


Pack Shed Reno

The pack shed is starting to look like a real work space now! We've got a ways to go still but the walls are primed and the first coat of paint will go on this week. 

Things still to do include: installing the back door, puck board on the walls by the washing stations, installing the washing stations, drying rack, spinners and bagging station shelving etc. 


Right now the pack shed is more of a secondary play area for Damian as we need to focus on seeding the veggies. Once the greenhouse is full to the brim we will be back at it! Damian is really taking advantage of the space...he has mastered riding his tricycle, has fine-tuned his scooting skills and is working on dribbling balls!! I think this summer we will be doing lots of scooting and biking!


Lambs and more cuteness

 Our ewes are all finished lambing and everybody is happy and healthy. 


Our Great Pyrenees, Hansel, is guarding them like they are his own while Tika, Hansel's mom, likes to keep watch a bit further out in the field most days. 


 Membership is filling up!

 Our member numbers keep inching up every day as more and more people join up for the season. If you know of someone who is interested in joining, get them to do it soon to avoid disappointment! 

If you've already placed your order, thankyou!! 

All members have access to our private Facebook group where you can see more behind the scenes photos and videos along with recipes, kitchen tips and more! 

 Join our private FB group!