Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm

Farm Happenings for May 1, 2021

Posted on April 26th, 2021
Who got hail on Saturday? We definitely did, though I didn't see it in action - I'll go by the fact that the easel with a rotted back that I've been meaning to repair for the past year had been reduced to just a frame on Sunday morning.  We got lucky, though - we might lose a week of strawberr1 read more »

Growings On April 24, 2021

Posted on April 19th, 2021
Welcome to the CSA season for 2021!!  I'm so happy to be here, writing this, because there were definitely moments in 2020 when I questioned whether I'd be able to keep farming. But thanks to all your support, we were able to find new property, clear it, put in fencing and rows, and today I ha1 read more »