Farm Happenings at DragSmith Farms
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Blond Sugar Snap Peas

Posted on July 15th, 2020 by Gail and Maurice Smith

Decided to share some observations about the blond sugar snap peas.  MMMMM.....good. Very sweet. Not pretty all the time.  Noticed as the flower grows into a pea, it sticks on and creates a brown mark.  You can wash some of it off.  Still tastes great.  Your mouth doesn't care if there is a spot, but, your eyes might.  I just remember what Grandma Inez Dragseth always said "waste not, want not".  We are so used to grocery store prefect that it is difficult to use something that isn't prefect.  Just think about the massive food waste and you can handle a little imperfection.  Hope everyone is having a great week.  The 1.5 inches of rain was appreciated.