Farm Happenings at Country Thyme Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 31, 2018

Posted on July 30th, 2018 by Daniel Chappell

We have another fine week of new veggies ahead of us! Our friends at Eagle Creek Farms have potatoes and carrots ready at last! We'll have enough of both of those veggies for most of you to get both this week. I always get really excited about the first new potatoes and baby carrots of these season and it's been a bit of a longer wait than usual.

Here at Country Thyme, the garlic scapes and spinach are done. With the heat of August we probably won't see any more spinach until close to the end of the share season as it is really tricky to get it to germinate this time of year. New from my farm this week will be the first heads of garlic and the first few slicing cucumbers out of my greenhouse for a few of you. 

Garlic this time of year isn't going to be cured, so it is best to eat it within a couple of weeks if you can. 

I'll be able to give quite a few more tomatoes than I managed last week, and hopefully a larger number of snap peas as well. The beans surprisingly are sizing up really quickly, so I may be able to start on those as soon as next week! 

You will also start to notice that we have extra fruit available for sale as extras anytime you're interested.