Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
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Feed the Soil

Posted on September 23rd, 2023 by Danielle Boerson

Ever wondered what soil microorganisms like to eat?  We think about it all the time over here at the farm!  Growing healthy, delicious foods starts with feeding the microbiology in the soil (ie: bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa).  We are doing what we can to keep these microorganisms thriving!  They have an appetite for sugars and carbon, which are exuded by plant roots.  As they consume the exuded sugars and carbon, the bacteria are taken up by the plant roots, and with them they carry minerals that feed the plants.  Unharmed by this transaction, the bacteria are then exuded back out into the soil through the roots which leads to the formation of tiny root hairs.  The further the roots extend, the more access the plants have to water and minerals.  When we feed the biology, we help support the conditions for life, which in turn leads to healthier plants that have better disease resistance and higher yields.  So how do we feed the soil?  There are lots of ways, but during the fall we focus on cover cropping.  Oats and peas can quickly fill the soil with roots, keeping weeds at bay and providing the biology with a food source that will carry through the winter and into the next season.  

Everyone wins when the soil is healthy, including our members who we hope can taste the difference!  Which brings us to an important point related to your CSA membership.  Now that we are transitioning into the late season, it's time to check in and let you know how many weeks we still have ahead of us.  Our last official deliveries of the CSA season are during the week of October 27th & 28.  If you are an every other week member you may have to check your delivery schedule to see which week your last delivery falls on, but either way there are 5 more weeks of the season.  You can log into you Harvie account to verify or reach out to the farm if you have any questions!  As we get closer to the end I will send out a reminder about auto renewal and how that option works.  But for now, we can enjoy some fall weather and hopefully some amazing fall meals!  

PS: This week we will be offering shiitake mushrooms from Ernessi Farms as an extra and they are on sale!  $6/half pound bag