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Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
Thank You
It's been a season of abundance on the farm. The vegetable production has been cranking for months and our members have had access to steady a stream of fruits, roots and shoots. That's a win! Now that we're nearing the end of outdoor production for the season, it's time for our w1 read more »
Love from the Crew at BF
Another season of growing is coming to pass. How quickly the time goes! Just like that, the early days of spring turn into the weeks of summer, and then suddenly it's the middle of fall and it's time to wrap it up before the real cold sets in. We are nearly there with some big jobs1 read more »
Great Help
The 2024 season has proven to be a year of excellent help on the farm. Our crew is solid, and for this we are extremely grateful! Each member of the crew contributes hard work and loving care to the farm, making it possible for us to navigate daily operations and get the job done. 1 read more »
Building Something
Plans for a new high tunnel are finally moving into action! We've been anticipating the additional covered space for our crops for over a year now and are at last laying the groundwork for a 4th tunnel. An additional growing tunnel will enhance our ability to meet the demand for h1 read more »
Fall Roots and Fruits
Here at the farm we love the colors of fall, especially when it comes to vegetables! Carrot connoisseurs and squash aficionados alike will relish in the fall colors and flavors that are headed to your kitchen table. Rainbow carrots, red and yellow storage onions, purple potatoes, fall r1 read more »
This Spud's for You
If you like potatoes then you'll dig how we grow them at the farm. It's no-till all the way with our potato crop. In the spring we prepare our growing beds and drop the seed pieces into shallow furrows. Some soil is thrown on top of the seed, and then then whole section is covered1 read more »
Fresh Picks
As the CSA season moves into fall, the crop selection is shifting. We're still enjoying the fruits of summer with the likes of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, but now some of our fall crops are coming down the pipe which is adding some fresh picks to the mix. One of our personal f1 read more »
Shep's Pumpkin Harvest
For the past 6 years our younger son Shep has been the farm's pumpkin grower, with his sight's set on producing a modest but attractive supply of decorative pumpkins and carvers. Some years have gone better than others, but we are happy to report that his 2024 harvest is looking great! 1 read more »
The wait is over. Our late planting of super sweet, bicolor sweet corn is finally ready to pick. So far, the ears are looking good! The stand has weathered many storms this season and managed to survive the winds. For weeks we've been watching the silk. It emerged appearing fine a1 read more »