Farm Happenings at Ashbourne Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2019

Posted on June 7th, 2019 by Cathy Shepherd

I wish i had a good farm story to tell you this week, but I don't. This week went by so fast, I keep thinking it is Wednesday. Due to all of the rain last week, this week has been crazy trying to keep up with  weeds and planting. I got a real shock when I started creating this email when I realized that the Spring CSA season is almost over. There are only two more weeks and then the summer CSA starts. It's only two more weeks before summer officially starts. Everything is going so fast these days. When I brought my baby girl home, I was told that the days are long but the years are short. I think right now it is all short and going way to quickly. I feel like I just brought her home a few weeks ago and that I have only been back at work for a week or two, but the reality is that in 4 days she is going to be 3 months old and I will have been back to work 6 weeks (I think, maybe, not really sure anymore) after getting to spend a month and half at home with her.  So, this week, with your shares, I want you to use them to slow down time. Have a family dinner. Take your time and tell stories about your day. When you're finished eating, leave the clean up for after the kids go to bed and go through a football or for a family walk around the neighborhood. Or do what I plan to do;sit on a porch swing with a cup of coffee in one hand and your baby in the other.