Farm Happenings at Wabi Sabi Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 1, 2018

Posted on July 30th, 2018 by Ben Saunders

We've been enjoying this cooler weather to work in as this is the busiest time of hear.  Harvesting and planting crops in the field while also starting to seed things in the greenhouse for Fall and Winter harvests!  Hard to believe that the greenhouse will be filled up again after it set almost empty for a couple months.  Yet it is kind of exciting to see all the flats in there again already!

Hope everyone is getting excited for our Blacktail Mountain Watermelons in the shares!  The plants have been starting to produce well and not peaked yet!  This is the sweetest tasting variety we've ever had and our excited to be able to share them with you!  They will also be listed in the ala carte section if anyone wants to purchase extras!!!

Speaking of ala carte, we are still offering mushrooms (Shiitake, Oyster and Chestnut) from our buddy Matt at Bee Grateful Gardens!  Keep checking this out as we are almost finished figuring out logistics with our friends at Simple Life Farms to offer Raw Cheese Curds (in different flavors).

Folks have expressed some concerns about the recipes coming with your email not really including the ingredients in the share.  These are provided through the folks at Harvie and not through us.  We do have a recipe page on our Resource Website at  The recipes are organized by vegetable and have been ones we've included in past season's newsletters.

Have a great week,

Farmer Ben and the Crew