Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2020

Posted on June 2nd, 2020 by Ron Meyer

Thank you for joining Strawberry Hill Farm's farm stand. It's early in the season, so we have fewer items of produce available, but choices will become more abundant later in the summer.

This week's organic produce choices include romaine lettuce, green onions, garlic scapes, kale, fresh herbs, mint tea mix, and a limited amount of strawberries—first of the season! We also have free range eggs, grass fed beef, and a few jars of red raspberry jam.

In case you aren't familiar with garlic scapes, they are the flower stalks of the garlic plant, removed to allow better growth of the bulb. Scapes add a subtle garlic taste to salads, soups, and stir fries. They’re also good in pasta or in scrambled eggs. Basically, you can use them as you would green onions.