Farm Happenings at Robinette Farms
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Farm Happenings for August 8, 2018: Halfway through Summer CSA

Posted on August 3rd, 2018 by Robinette Farms

This week marks the halfway point through our Summer CSA season, can you believe it? August 8th is Week 10 out of 20.

It's August and we are busy harvesting and planting the last of our big fall field plantings this week. Our final broccoli planting goes in as well as more kohlrabi, turnips, radishes, beets and carrots. 

While harvesting melons this week we have been peeking at the winter squash crop right next to it and admiring the bounty! Before we know it winter squash will sound wonderful to eat and the thought of biting into a ripe melon with the sun blazing down on us will be a distant memory.

We finally have some lettuce back in the share this week! It was a struggle to get much of anything to germinate and stay alive during our hot June and early July. We are catching up and before we know it greens will be back on the menu!

Enjoy the share this week,
Farmer Chloe