We are already eyeing the many seed catalogs and getting a few shipments of seed orders in. It's been good to look forward and make plans for next season,
The 2019 season has turned out to be a blessing with joyous harvests.
Matt and Erica are only part of the 8 person crew that harvested, cut, and cleaned carrots at RPFarm a few days ago.
Two wagon loads are finished and ready to be packed.

The week before an order of 3,400 pounds of carrots, yes that's over a TON AND A HALF, went to a new buyer in southern Ohio.
It was exciting for us to know that they were being shaped into baby mixed color carrots and headed out to school children as part of their farmer-to-food program with Local Food Connection.

"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.
Try, posting pictures of how you used your farm items below on the community page of RPFarm's conversations...click this link to join

Kalettes are being offered this delivery. They get their great taste by combining the best flavors from the Brussels sprouts and kale, resulting in a fresh fusion of sweet and nutty.
They have a milder flavor than Brussels sprouts and are more tender than kale. Kalettes are extremely easy to prepare and versatile.
* Added to Salads
* Roast with olive oil & salt
* Shred into a smoothie
* Steamed with potatoes, salt and butter
* Steamed Kalettes need no more than 3 or 4 minutes and they would be perfect with a piece of salmon.

At RPFarm we roasted a turkey and made an herb stuffing with 1 celery root instead of regular store bought celery stalks. Family agreed it was the best ever! This is defiantly a repeat for our Christmas Dinner in a few weeks.

Raising turkeys was a trial by the Anderson family the year. They have been raising chickens for years but this was their first-time adding turkeys. They are the farm that we support to bring you fresh brown eggs with your veggie boxes each delivery.
Here is our question to you...
Would you be interested in placing your Thanksgiving Turkey order with us in July?
This is when the baby turkey's would arrive to be raised out for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Let us know what you think,
1. count me in,
Just reply to this email.
We need your input, to make a decision before our 2020 Summer Season begins in June.

Chef Anthony and Farmer Phil are teamed up together | Find out what’s cooking!
Join us for a Farm-to-Table dinner featuring produce from Riehm’s on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Chef Anthony from Plat8 is the chef for the evening.
Plate8 says, “RPFarm supplies much of the produce throughout the year and we are pleased to highlight their veggies at this event.”
Menu and time to be announced.
To RSVP stop by Plat8 or give them a call at (419) 214-0370.
Plat8, 4330 Central Ave, Toledo. See map for directions…

Riehm Produce Farm will host an on-line “Farminar” on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. (Notice date change)
Join us! or RSVP to get the recording!
What is a Farminar? It’s a live event that takes place virtually on-line where we will talk about how you can use Harvie and RPFarm to get the most out of your veggie box experience!
If you find yourself intimidated by your on-line farm share tools or need some questions answered directly from the farmer, this webinar is for you! We’ll provide you with answers to the following questions:
1. About Riehm Produce Farm.
2. How our veggie boxes work.
3. What new features we have this year!
4. What is Harvie?
5. How to use Harvie to customize your farm share.
6. Bonus discounts
Share this with your friends, family and co-workers. They’ll want to hear this too!
What: Live Farminar
When: Tuesday January 14, 2020
Time: 12:00 p.m. (noon) ,30 minutes
RSVP: harvie.mx/riehm-farminar-2020
There is even a $25 gift opportunity for you.
For those who were in the 2019 "summer" veggie box program your auto renewal is coming on January 7th.
Look for emails coming soon!
December 17 - 20

Add-on APPLES shares - Mixed apples. Possibilities are Pink Lady, Braeburn, Ever-crisp, Golden Delicious varieties
Add-on CHICKEN package - Once-a-month, a frozen 5 item package
Add-on HAMBURGER Shares - 3, frozen one pound bulk packages.
Add-on COFFEE Shares - Peppermint Mocha. A sweet, medium roast coffee with a touch of chocolate and energizing peppermint flavors.
Add-on BREAD Shares - Cranberry Walnut.
Add-on EGGS Shares - Will be with each delivery.
Add-on BEEF Shares - Delivery is "next" delivery. Week of January 5th
Your farmers,
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riehmproducefarm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/riehmfarms
Website: http://FunAcres.net
Email: riehmfarms@gmail.com
“We help busy people get weekly, farm fresh meals on the table so they feel healthy and full of ideas as to what’s for dinner"