Farm Happenings at Rainwater Farms
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Farm Happenings for September 7, 2020

Posted on September 4th, 2020 by Emma Rainwater

Hi Friends! 

We won't be making any changes to our pick up schedule for Labor day - if you have a conflict during our normal pick up times let me know and we can make alternate arrangements for you.

It truly feels like fall this week and we're starting to see the tomatoes slow down significantly. There's still lots of green ones that would be great for frying up though! We'll have a few weeks of nice bell peppers ahead of us too, they're growing in one of our covered field tunnels and are staying warm despite the chilly nights. 

We have some nice looking bush beans that should be ready next week to go into shares, and I did a test dig on our small sweet potato patch and they're small but growing! We should see them in the shares in October. Our regular potatoes are also starting to show signs of life after being pretty devastated by potato bugs and we *might* end up having enough to give them to you in October as well (I'm cautiously optimistic).

I expect as we head into the fall the shares will start to be fairly heavy on greens again. We have arugula, spinach, napa cabbage, and lettuce growing, as well as nice stands of kale and chard. 

Thanks as always for your support - stay warm and safe <3

Emma, Naomi, & Norah