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Farm Happenings at Lazy Eight Stock Farm
Farm Happenings for August 27, 2020
At the end of August, and the first weeks of September we really start to see the transition into fall on the farm. The insects and weeds are nearing the end of their summer life cycle, and focus all their energy into the transition as well. It seems as thought weeds will sprout and produce seed wi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 20, 2020
As we roll into fall, we begin to think about where things will be planted next season. It's an energizing activity for this time of year, when many of the summer crops begin to reach the end of their productive season. The days are shorter, the heavy dews increase disease pressure, and the insect1 read more »
Bean Trellis
This week are are starting to harvest a few of our heirloom half-runner beans. We will have limited quantities to start with this week, but we expect for the harvest to last about 3-4 weeks and the rains we have received should help keep the beans looking good during the hot weather. Last Thursday,1 read more »