Farm Happenings at Lazy Eight Stock Farm
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Hot times on the farm

Posted on August 1st, 2023 by Bryce Baumann

Whew, the past couple of weeks has been one for the record books in so many ways! Against a backdrop of relentless heat and changes in our routines, our amazing crew has continued to work so hard.

After being here for six months, it was time for Adilene and Claribel to go home for a visit with their children. They are happily in Vera Cruz for three weeks.

For 8 of the past 10 weekdays, we have hosted high school students participating in the Passport summer camp. Students from KY and the southeast came in groups of about 20 or so and jumped into real farm jobs - pulling onions and digging potatoes. It was a huge project that we hope gave them a taste of farming along with an appreciation for the challenges and joys of this kind of work.

Meanwhile, in the packing shed, our reconfigured team stepped up to fill in the gaps created by Adi's and Clarbel's absence. As we regrouped and learned new tasks, we realize that this caused a few hiccups in our CSA packing routine. If you noticed that you were missing items, please let us know and we will give you credit for them. 

If you're planning a vacation in the next few weeks before school starts, remember that you can put your share on hold. Let us know if you have any questions about how to do that. (We have nine more weeks in the summer CSA season. We'll be taking the first week of October off with plans to start a fall/winter season on October 9. This season will go until around Christmas. Watch for an email with the sign-up details in the next few weeks).

Thank you!