Farm Happenings at Lazy Eight Stock Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 1, 2022

Posted on August 30th, 2022 by Bryce Baumann

A lot of the good stuff that happens on the farm is invisible – in fact, most of what happens is that way – think photosynthesis. . . But, possibly, the most important invisible work is certainly not invisible to us, and is more aptly termed “behind the scenes”. Behind the scenes, our farm crew makes it happen. To a person, they embrace their work with eagerness and enthusiasm. Any success we have had in growing good produce is so critically tied to this amazing team. So, here’s a shoutout to Susan, Joel, Jaime, Adilene, Eduardo, Gerardo, Adrian, Chrissy, Josh, Sergio, Cait, Lauri, Claribel, Abimael, and Javier.

Tomato update – after an early start to the tomato season, we hit the pause button as the effects of the heat and drought caught up with the tomato plants – causing new blossoms to abort and newly-forming fruit to become diseased. So, we’re impatiently waiting for the second harvest to be ready by early September. Fortunately, this crop has not been as stressed as the earlier crop was and includes some of my favorite heirloom varieties. I hope they will be your new favorites, too. As you may have learned, it’s always hard to make predictions, but we hope to have tomatoes well into the fall – fingers crossed.

Thank you for being in our CSA! While the regular season ends in mid-October, we do offer a five-week late season share with the last delivery being the week before Thanksgiving.