Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
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Week 15 - Equinox

Posted on September 15th, 2023 by Michael Moss

View from the Tractor

As we approach the equinox, the days are noticeably growing shorter, and the unmistakable feeling of fall is settling in. This morning, as I watched the radar, I couldn't help but notice snowflakes gracing the high peaks. Soon enough, ski resorts will be sharing those enticing first snow pictures to get us all in the winter spirit. While I eagerly anticipate a well-deserved break, there's still plenty of farming to be done before we wrap up the season.

This week marks significant progress in our harvest, with an abundance of melons, winter squash, and a bountiful supply of peppers. Stepping into the wash station, you're greeted by a delightful whiff of the sweet muskiness emanating from our cantaloupes. Open the cooler, and the fragrant aroma nearly knocks you off your feet. These fragrant summer fruits are undoubtedly a favorite. Speaking of peppers, we're now in the prime time for harvesting our red bells and sweet Italian peppers. It's the perfect moment to stock up, roast those green chilies, and craft your sweet pepper jams. For those eager to embark on canning adventures, I'll have ample bags of Anaheims available.

On that note, don't hesitate to reach out if you desire additional quantities of items for preserving. Even if they aren't on the CSA menu for the week, I'm always delighted to assemble items for you when the preserving bug bites.

Savor the splendid weather and relish the arrival of autumn.

With gratitude,

The Farmers at Kilt Farm

Fruit Share

This week we are letting the peaches go so we can revel in plums and nectarines.

The plums will the Simka plum which is a dark skinned purple hearted peach that has excellent eating quality. These plums are also good for canning and jams.  

We will have Nectarines, a few bags of Peaches, Bartlett Pears and Plums available in the add on section for those that do not have a fruit share. 

Thank you so much for being a member of the farm. We can't do it with out you.