Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week#13 - Pick Up

Posted on August 11th, 2023 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Whew! What a hot week we're having! Every day so far, temps have risen well beyond 100 degrees in the afternoon and it's expected to be more of the same tomorrow. Needless to say, temperatures like this are hard on farmers, hard on crops, and pretty much just hard on everybody. So we're definitely looking forward to a cool off, even if that's just back down into the 80s. This week, we've tried to tone back our harvesting to the bare minimum to keep out of the sun in the late afternoon hours. We've saved our less physical tasks for the afternoons. And we've been drinking plenty of water, and popsicles...thank God for popsicles!! In other farm news, our sunflowers are blooming (ahead of schedule...of course!), and we're enjoying having some farm-grown beauty around that were raised just for our pleasure in looking at them. 

We'll see you at your pick up spot for this week, but if we're moving slow or acting confused, just chalk it up to too much time in the sun! 

Stay cool and hydrated - Cheers, Rudy & Bonnie =)