Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #9 - Pick Up

Posted on July 14th, 2023 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

We're starting to see some unusual colors on the farm - pinks, purples, yellows - the type of color that we don't see in our typical 'for-eating' crops. The flowers are starting to bloom, above is one of the first dahlias of the season. But the gladiolus are also starting, and they are a more flashy flower that blooms big one time for each plant, and they typically all bloom within a few weeks, so we expect to have a lot of them soon. Dahlias tend to start out more slowly in July, but by August, they'll be the ones demanding all of the viewing attention!

The garlic is in, and we're starting to pull onions as well. So it'll be 'Allium Alley' at the market this week with leeks, Walla Walla sweet onions, and scallions available. It's also the Harvest of the Month this week at the market, so check out the green booth with special tastings of this month's crop -- carrots. It's pure happenstance that we have A LOT of carrots this week too, that's why you'll notice that carrots this week are in 2lb bags rather than their typical bunches.  

It's week #9 of the CSA season, and that means that we're at the half way point -- that really snuck up didn't it?! As promised, the diversity and quantity of crops available continue to increase as the season progresses, so stay tuned for many more great crops...more tomatoes, heirlooms, hot peppers, onions, garlic, winter squash, and melons!

See you at your pick up spot this week - Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy