Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #12 - Pick Up

Posted on July 30th, 2022 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

It's time to pick up! And there are a lot of items to be added on besides what will fit into your box this week, so take a minute to double check us. We try VERY hard to make sure you guys get exactly what you ordered, even creating little checks and balances to keep us paying close attention, but still we'll be packing close to 100 boxes this week so there's bound to be a slip up sometime. So if you got glads, cherries, breads, etc. make sure you leave with them too! As an example of our efforts at correct packing, we have several rules... First off, there's no talking while packing boxes - way too easy to get distracted otherwise. Another rule is that anyone anytime can do a spontaneous inspec-TION. A new rule that we've created in the last few weeks is that every single box must sit on a 'Blue X of Reflection' prior to being loaded into Vanna. Now that's a weird one, but let me explain... At the end of our packing line, we have a small table that we put 4 big X's on in blue painters tape every week. After packing a box, everyone has to literally set their box on an X and spend a few seconds rereading their label to make sure they caught everything! We're getting pretty good, but of course, we're still human, so do please let us know if you discover an error in your box, we'll do our best to make it right!

It's been another busy week on the farm, we've managed to get through about 1/2 of the garlic trimming (pic above). We have to separate out all of the heads that we need to save to plant in October, and then clean up the rest to be ready for sale. Cleaning up includes trimming off the greens (now dry browns), most of the roots, and any dirty or flaky layers of the skin. 

Look forward to seeing you at pickup! 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

PS. We do try to sometimes get bulk items into the harvest estimate for the CSA boxes, but with many items we just sometimes end up with more than expected at harvest time and weren't able to estimate that. So if you're really hoping for some pickling cucumbers or tomatoes to can, let us know and we'll put you on our 'bulk list' of folks to call when we have the items their looking for.