Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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Pop Up #4-B

Posted on October 15th, 2021 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

This week, work on the farm has fallen into two categories. Bagging our storage roots is no small task with over 1400lbs of roots to be packaged into 2 to 5lb. bags. We called in the packing crew (Rita & Barry) and even had some help from Bonnie's Dad, Mike, so we got the task done in record time. Otherwise, the week has been dominated by garlic. We're not done yet, but we're hoping to get our garlic cloves in the ground this week. Funny enough, garlic planting started out with winter in ripping out 12 rows of old winter squash that was taking up the real estate that the garlic now needs. We found runners up to 20' long, so that meant that squash from row 1 could be knotted up with squash from row 6 and anywhere in between! We've also got all of the seed garlic 'cracked'. Cracking is breaking apart the heads of garlic into individual cloves so that planting can happen efficiently. Next we'll be adding to the future garlic beds with compost and other organic amendments, and hopefully sinking cloves on Friday. Wish us luck!

We'll see you all at your pick up location either Thursday at Fireman's Park or Friday on farm. We do have some extra carrots, parsnips and red onions, so if you're feeling the need to add to your order, we'll have some on hand at pick up.

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy