Farm Happenings at Harvest Tide Organics
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Summer Harvest Share - Week 13

Posted on August 26th, 2022 by Sarah Duprey

Fall veggies are sneaking their way into your shares this week with broccoli, celery, and fennel returning.  But don't worry, we're still drowning in summer with literal tons and tons of watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes and peppers headed your way this week.   The abundance of things on the farm right now is really saving our sanity, as we try to ride out the August crazies and make it to the end of the summer CSA without succumbing to full farm meltdown.  Thankfully, the fields are cranking out all we need and the work continues.   It's not really dire, I think if I wrote newsletters on Monday afternoons, I might sound more farmy-optimistic, but as I've accidentally deleted this letter twice and am rounding out a really long week, the well is getting a little low :) Time for a little Saturday break with a romance novel down by the river to recharge to be wide awake and ready to kick butt for week 13!

 If you want to ride your CSA all the way into fall and haven't signed up yet, now is the time:

 Our fall crops are looking A+ and if you couldn't tell, these farmers are excited to bring them to you!