Farm Happenings at Fiddlehead Farm
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Happy Canada Day!

Posted on July 1st, 2018 by Heather Coffey

We're so glad to be feeding all of you for your Canada Day celebrations with great food grown close to home! While the first week was mostly greens, we've got peas and beans starting up this week and even some baby beets. Not to mention the most glorious romaine heads that we've ever grown!

Here at the farm we've been enjoying packing up your shares in the shade - it's always so nice to see the long line of veggies packed up into everyone's bags. With week one of deliveries under our belt, we're really happy with the new system.  There have been a few inevitable glitches, and a little bit of a learning curve but I think we're all a bit more comfortable heading into week two. I have a few people to follow up with on Monday, but on the whole everyone seems very happy with Harvie!

A common question has been concerning payment. If you didn't pay in full up front, Harvie's payment plan links into your credit card and would have charged your card 25% on sign-up, 25% on the first week of delivery, and then $16.50 each week you receive a share. If you choose to swap items for a higher value, or order extras then that amount will be a bit higher but you'll be reminded of that as you use the web portal. The Additional Cost summary is listed on the left as you are swapping your veggies in the portal. There was a payment plan reminder sent out at the end of our customer training e-mails, likely around June 22nd.  If you know your card is expiring or you have to change your number, just log in to Harvie and update your payment details so these continue smoothly throughout the season.

Finally, thanks for working with us! They've built this portal after over a decade of working to support small CSA farms like ours. While their original system managed member registrations and communication... Harvie was born out of imagining what a future might hold. A future with preferences, customization, payment plans, vacations... and keeping things as simple and straightforward as possible for both the farmer and the customers. We've joined them in year two, and so they're busy learning from each little hiccup we hit before they launch the portal for more farmers next year. Tech support has been amazing, and we're happy to be helping them smooth out what's already a very slick and impressive system. Don't be shy to reach out to us as you feel your way into a new routine whether it's your first time with a CSA or if you're a veteran member adjusting to use Harvie. Every comment helps us learn and grow together. 

Enjoy the Tastiness,

Heather and the Fiddleheads