Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 15, 2022

Posted on June 12th, 2022 by Marnie Chown


Summer veggies here we come!!


This is the first week of our summer shares are we are excited to welcome some new members! If you're a returning member, thanks for being here again!! 

This week we will be harvesting some wonderful green goodness in the form of lettuce, romaine, kale, chard, parsley and a mix of hearty stir fry greens. We will still have some rhubarb and scallions as well as cherry tomatoes, basil and the first few containers of STRAWBERRIES!!



Tip of the week: Make your own salad dressing!!

Making salad dressing at home is a creative way to dress up your salads with fresh ingredients from your farm share. These healthy salad dressing recipes are fresh, flavorful, and easy to make.

The Food Network - Salad Dressings

Love & Lemons - Salad Dressings



For the new folks in town: please reach out to me, Marnie, if you have any questions or concerns about your veggie share. I'm here to help!

The best way to reach me is by email at


Enjoy your veggies this week!
