Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 13th, 2020

Posted on June 13th, 2021 by Marnie Chown


Last week was a busy one!! We managed to get a TON of jobs accomplished and we feel great about the weeks ahead! The crops are looking wonderful and we are happy to be able to offer more varieties of veggies now! 


Here's a quick list of what we accomplished on the farm this week:

- turned over all the crops in the hoophouses and cat tunnels (pulled out spinach, arugula and other greens that don't thrive in the heat)

- planted peppers, eggplant, winter squash, pumpkins, more tomatoes and basil

- lots of weeeeeding, mowing and weed whacking around the perimeters of the garden beds etc. 

- finished setting up all the irrigation...and it's working!!


This week we have some more seedlings available from Sarah and a few more raspberries and habanero peppers from us.


We also have EGGS from Pat & Véronique available this week! Their young hens (aka pullets) have arrived and are starting to lay their first eggs! These eggs are listed as "pullet eggs" in the extras area. They are smaller than your average egg because the hens have not yet reached maturity...once they get into their "laying groove" the eggs will be normal sized. The price will reflect the size and will increase incrementally as the hens produce larger and larger eggs over time. 


Because of last week having no deliveries, the folks at Harvie shifted the schedule. If you haven't already, please take a look at the schedule in your account to make sure everything is still the way you'd like it to be.