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Farm Happenings at Earth Spring Farm CSA
Farm Happenings for last CSA Delivery 2018!
Hello Friends,
Normally I send out multiple videos throughout the season via the ESF youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ4exoDfXX4vPM9xJf8VNdQ
but this year I have had trouble uploading them in a timely manner, so here we are again.
This will be the last CSA delivery this year a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 9, 2018
Hello Friends
That photo is from late September when we finished packing CSA boxes on a Thursday night. That was a local crew who have been volunteering at the farm for the past 2 to 4 years. "And I'm like, OMG, why do they keep coming out? Don't they have something better to do?"
But r1 read more »