Farm Happenings at Cherry Valley Organics
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Farm Happenings for September 22, 2021

Posted on September 17th, 2021 by Jodi Danyo

New this Week in Your Shares: 

Pie Pumpkins, Angel Hair Spaghetti Squash, and Lemongrass!  CVO VEGAN lip balms are also in stock!


New from Our Farm Partners:  

Big Bob's Dilly Beans!

Woolf Farm Apples continue....




Customer Appreciation Event!

It's officially lip balm season!  As a small gesture of our appreciation to our customers, we are having a customer appreciate giveaway event!  Continuing for the next 3 weeks, we'll be gifting each of our members with one of our brand new VEGAN lip balms in Unscented, Cool Mint and Citrus flavors.  Look for your lip balm in your bag this week!  Enjoy!




September Farm Partner Promo Continues this Week!!

How It Works:

Did you know that September is Hunger Action Month?  Did you also know that CVO has already donated more than 1,000 lbs. of vegetables to people in need this summer?  This September, we will be partnering with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.  For every $10 of farm partner extras sold during the month of September, CVO will donate one organic canned good to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank!  We are setting a goal of 200 cans of organic vegetables!! We can do this with your support!

It's time to stock up on fall items like Apple Butter and Spiced Apple Shrub!




Did you know that we have a Farm Market & Cafe along the Panhandle Trail in Burgettstown?   

Come and see us this month as we raise awareness for Hunger Action Month!  We are all decked out for fall, and we'll be collecting donations of non-perishable food items until the end of September!




Updates from the Farm

Humidity is back, but we are still happy for cooler mornings.  We laugh at the old farming joke... "the best part of the day is over by 9 am!"  Ha, ha!  Perhaps you have to be a farmer to understand?

This week on the farm, we are working on planting our last sowings of head lettuce for the season and making sure that the radishes, turnips, mustards, kale, arugula, collards, and cabbages are all off to a good start and growing well.  There are a lot of cool season crops to look forward to in the next six weeks.   And, we expect that the plum tomatoes that are starting to ripen will continue as well as peppers and ground cherries.  And we still have tons of onions and garlic in dry storage.  This week, we'll be continuing to distribute our spaghetti squash and pumpkins, which have had amazing yields this year!




Have a great week everyone, and thank you again for being a farm share member this season!!

Jodi, Emily, Vanessa, and Jared

The CVO Farm Share Team


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to or to at any time.