Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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CSA Box 10 Click on Continue Reading to see Whole Newsletter

Posted on August 7th, 2022 by Ayla Dodge

Hello Members!

CSA box 10 week is upon us.  We are in full summer over here now.  The sweet corn has popped, the peppers are turning and the melons are right around the corner! It's a Salsa Box this week!

On the farm these days, we are planting a lot of fall crops (radishes, turnips, greens, etc) weeding, harvesting, and irrigating.  We are already starting to feel the slow creep into early fall as the nights are cooler and are bringing with them more dew and fog.  Summer is so fleeting!

This is what you might find in your box this week:

Sweet Corn- We pick the sweet corn right before we pack our boxes so it is as fresh as can be.  Sweet corn looses its sweetness and turns to starch as it ages. It should be stored in the refrigerator but eaten as soon as you can. We like it raw!  or boil some salt water and quick blanck for just a couple minutes!

 Corn Salsa!

Cucumbers- Cucumber Salsa!

Summer Squash/Zucchini- Zucchini Salsa

Red onions- These are fresh onions, not cured.  They are excellant for fresh salsas, BLT's and salads of all kinds.  You do not have to refrigerate them, but you can if you want.

Garlic- one head of garlic to add to all of your ssalsas! This should be more or less cured and easier to take the outer peeling off.

Eggplant- We actually harvest a lot more eggplant this week so it is posible we may give it to everyone next week. This time of year, if we can get on top of the beetle siuation we start to see more eggplant. Great for ratatouille with the tomatoes!

sweet or bell Pepper-  One pepper per member. We will have more!  Trying to give everyone just the peppers that have turned color. They are so fresh and sweet

Hot Jalapeno and/or Habanero Peppers- THe jalapeno peppers are either green or red in color and long and small. The habaneros are orange and small.  These are hot and are great for fresh salsas!

Spring Mix-  PLEASE WASH AGAIN!  The 2 inch rain we got really made for a runny harvest! It is pre-washed but still have some grit in it I am sure. Finally some spring mix back in the box!  Summer is though to get the greens in as they always want to bolt and do other funny things.  But its back!  We have been planting it like mad in hopes we have lots in the fall boxes, too.  

Dill- Fresh dill is the best for a egg, potato, tuna or other fresh salad!  ALso great in a salad dressing or to make some quick pickles. 

Refrigerator Pickles with Dill

Cilantro- Cilantro for fresh pico de gallo!!

Fresh Pico Salsa

Cabbage, green- Our cabbages are small this year, because we need to harvest them before the flea beetles and cabbage worms get to them! The drought stress has really increased our pest pressure on the brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage).  The cabbage stores very well!

Cabbage Salsa

Tomatoes, cherry and/or big tomatoes- And the tomatoes!  2/3 of members get cherry tomatoes and also big tomatoes and the rest get more big tomatoes.  If not ripe, let them sit on the counter and do not refrigerate!


Next week:

sweet corn



hot pepper





