Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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CSA Box 11! (Please Click on Continue Reading to see Whole Newsletter)

Posted on August 17th, 2020 by Ayla Dodge

Hello Members! (Click Continue reading to see whole newsletter)-

Our family is home from our first camping trip!  It was a wonderful trip and we came home to all the animals being snug in their places thanks to our great crew!  The farm is in one piece despite a big storm on Friday and Saturday nights, so we are thankful for that.  The nights continue to be cool and we will no longer have summer squash.  The cucumbers are coming to an end, as well.

On this weeks agenda, we will be harvesting all of our storage onions for the fall/winter.  We will also seed another succession of radishes, turnips, arugula and spinach.

We are now taking sign ups for the CSA Fall Share.  Again, we are offering a Full Fall Share, 4 week delivery, and a Half Fall share, 2 bi-weekly deliveries.  This is a continuation of our main shares and will contain: cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and collards, spinach and spring mix, herbs, carrots and beets, radishes and turnips, onions and garlic, popcorn, potatoes, celeriac, rutabaga, watermelon radishes and more!

here is the page for sign up

please let me know if you are having trouble signing up.  Sometimes it seems some browsers don't work, but Chrome seems to always work.

Here is what in the box this week:

Sweet Corn- Next week will be our last week of corn.  Refrigerate.

Melons- we did not have a great year for watermelons and there may not be enough for everyone this year, but everyone will get either a cantaloupe or a watermelon. All half shares will get a watermelon. If your cantaloupe isn't smelly ripe, leave on the counter for a few days. The watermelons should be ripe and should be refrigerated.

Tomatoes- We are in the glut of tomato season.  You will be getting both heirloom and red slicer or paste tomatoes.  Do not refrigerate.

Cherry Tomatoes- yummy!  Eat as a snack or put into a pasta, rice or greens salad. no need to refrigerate

Ground Cherries- These are a sweet treat that kids love! they do not need to be refrigerated.

Peppers, sweet and or bell- The red italian peppers (Carmens) are starting to turn red, so you might get a bell and one of those (long and red).  All are sweet. Grilled Vegetable Fajitas

Fennel- Great in a pasta salad or a marinara sauce or grilled.Grilled Fennel

Green Beans- We harvested almost 200 lbs of beans this week!  So everyone gets a lb of them!   Skillet Charred Beans with Tomatoes

Cucumbers- The last week!

Potatoes- Red or Yukons. Store in the fridge or out of the fridge, but out of the light.

Parsley Full shares- Nice big bunches! Keep in a plastic bag or container in the fridge. 

Basil half shares- Store in an air tight container or bag on the counter.

Onions- 3 Ailsa Craig onions.  These are a flavorful onion great for kabobs, fajitas, skillet dishes or fresh! Keep on counter or pantry.

Eggplant- 1-2 eggplant. 


Digging potatoes!

Melon break!

Baby wins the size contest

hiking on the Gunflint!


Have a great week!