Farm Happenings at Atlanta Harvest
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New Life at the Farm!

Posted on May 13th, 2020 by Raphaela Ysrael
Lambs are probably my favorite farm animals... after horses.. They are so peaceful and can be very loving! We are spending a lot of time with one of our new borns just to make sure that they get comfortable with us. I want him to recognize me as more than a food source! It's a little difficult when the mama is still skittish but we'll get there. I think we can build a strong relationship.
I remember when he was just born. We could tell that one of the mamas was pregnant so we just kept an eye on her and one morning later, there was a new addition to the family! Most farm animals are like that, all independent and what not. Sometimes they need our help but we always hope that that nature takes it course and they hold it down themselves. This time we noticed that the new baby was checking in with EVERYONE to see where he could get some milk! Almost like he had no idea who mama was. Turns out she wasn't letting him eat! Poor guy! We took it upon ourselves to help the two of them have that bonding moment. It's so important that the kid gets all he needs in that first hour. When you wake up and find a new member, its hard to know when they came into the world so we had to get to work fast! Watch the video below to see how we handled it.
What's your favorite farm animal? Have you ever raised a lamb?