Farm Happenings at Atlanta Harvest
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How to Get Healthy With All That Free Time!

Posted on April 30th, 2020 by Raphaela Ysrael

I think the only good thing that has come from our quarantine order is that so many people are finally getting the opportunity to do all the things they said they never have time for. Now people are showing their creative sides, getting some much needed rest, finding peace, bonding with their families; it's beautiful. While things have been really busy over here at the farm, there are a couple of things that I figured now would be a good time for.

Two words:

I know I know, that's so vague right? These two words can mean so many things! This is a good thing. What do these words mean to you? Is it physical? Mental? Maybe spiritual? For me it's physical. I'd like you guys to use this time to think about cleansing your body and growing your own food. Simple enough right? As the masses are now realizing how important it is to eat healthy, farm fresh food, its important to clean our bodies of toxins from the trash we may have been consuming before! Reset your system so that that your body doesn't have to fight to get to all those good healthy nutrients our food has to offer!

Personally, I've changed a few of my eating patterns to fit a detox into my schedule. I use a Detox Tea and a Colon Cleanse Herb mix from Teabrewfarm. Adding these to my daily routine is helping remove toxins from my body as well as free up my digestive system to work more efficiently.
In terms of growing, I want to encourage you all to get outside and plant something! Building a garden is more simple than you think and can be VERY cost effective. Trust me, as someone who has 10+ years experience growing food, YOU CAN DO IT. It doesn't need to be extravagant, you can grow in the smallest of spaces and there are a million and one possibilities. We are going to be doing more videos as the season continues to help you all with each step along the way. You can count on us to get you through it. And for those of you already on the way to growing, come by our farm stand this week to pick up vegetable seedlings and fruit trees!