Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for July 26, 2022

Posted on July 22nd, 2022 by John Zilnicki

Summer being summer out there this week.  Yes its been a hot one out on the farm this week, but to be honest, it wouldn't be a real summer without a little heatwave action.  We picked up a tropical rain on Monday that brought about 4 inches of rain in about 40 minutes.  Yes the rain was nice but to much to fast and it did cause some serious erosion issues on our potatoes as it washed some dirt off of the potato hills we make for the potatoes to grow in.  But, the rain helped some pasture ground that was beginning to bake from being to hard so its a catch 22, that's life I guess.  Its all about the perspective you look at things.  

Enjoy your weekend and stay hydrated out there!

Your Farmer, 


P.S. Its good for the body to get outside and soak up some vitamin D and sweat!