Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for September 1, 2020

Posted on August 29th, 2020 by John Zilnicki

It's September!  I can not believe we are already at this point.  We are busy getting ready for potato harvest season, which is right around the corner.  We have been extremely grateful for the timely rains we have been getting.  

Farm Happenings:

  • Battle with the birds continues!!
  • Cover Crops are being planted this week on certain fields that had summer sweet corn.  Cover crops build up organic matter in the soils, as well as decrease erosion, and suppresses weeds.  

This week I got to check out more footage of the devastation Iowa got from the thunderstorms the other week.  If you haven't scene footage of some of the storm damage please do.  Its a reminder of the raw power of mother nature and how quick life can flipped upside down.  

Enjoy your week and your veggies!!


Farmer John