Farm Happenings at Village Acres Farm
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Farm Happenings for March 31, 2020

Posted on March 27th, 2020 by Debra Brubaker

In sitting down to write this, I've been reflecting on the emotional complexities that are surfacing for me during this time of uncertainty. On the one hand, for me, very little has changed about my day-to-day schedule and routine. At this time of the year, I don't leave the farm much. If I weren't listening to the news, I would have no idea anything has changed, except having four college-age children on the farm right now, all taking online courses since their schools are closed, means a computer lab takeover has happened at the kitchen table. But, I do actually know what is going on in the broader world and the knowledge of what is happening is stressful and brings me anxiety. It's a hard shift for me from simply encouraging people to know their food and the land that produces it, to our farm being pronounced an "essential (life-sustaining) business" amidst a crisis. I get the feeling we are on a mission, like in this crisis we are doing the equivalent of dropping relief packets. What typically feels simply rewarding, somehow feels dire, drastic. It has truly shifted my mentality as a farmer.

Lest you start worrying about me, know that I truly consider it an honor to grow food for you. Just this week, we've had two new high tunnels (unheated greenhouses) put up and are excited to have more space to grow in weather protected areas. Our first planting of tomatoes,pepper and cucumbers are already seeded and will be making their way into those tunnel in a few weeks.  Also given the current crisis, we know that many of you may be planting your own gardens in the coming weeks.  We plan to have several varieties of tomatoes, pepper, herbs, and flowers available as the season progresses.  If you have particular plants you'd really like to have, let us know, and we will see if we can accommodate.

Regarding distribution on Tuesday- The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's recommendation for customers during this time is to support the farmer and adhere to the social distancing guidelines by following a process of "pre-order, pre-pay, pre-pack; then deliver or grab-and-go". Thankfully our CSA system is already set up to adhere to these recommendations.  Please again be mindful of others that may arrive at pickup at the same time and maintain a generous 6 ft of space.  

For those of you picking up on farm, we will have your share on a table inside the (open) garage door by the normal entrance which will help avoid contact with door knobs

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  Wishing you all health and peace during this difficult time.
