Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
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Spring greetings!

Posted on May 28th, 2022 by Peter Seely

Planting at full-clip here at the farm!

Greetings to you all!

This is our first e-mail to go out to our 2022 members!

 As you can see from the picture above (with more to come!), we have been spending the month of May with the planting of your crops, both in the greenhouses, and now in the fields.  All going well!  (Though occasionally we can use some extra hands, but a super thanks to those who have stepped forward to help out!)

First delivery:  We are trying to time the first crops being ready for harvest the week of June 20th, so the first deliveries are scheduled for that week!  So Wednesday, the 22nd for those who pick up on Wednesday and Friday, the 24th for those who pick up on Friday.  (For every other week members, some of you will start that week, and some will start the following week; you will receive an e-mail notifying you, or you can always check your schedule at your Harvie account.)  So unless you hear otherwise, be sure you note the date of your first delivery. (And if you have any questions at all about your order, just send us an e-mail to

A possible farm visit, including taking home lots of spinach, and extra tomato plants for your garden:  We do have lots of spinach ready now (that you can also find at the Outpost outlets, and Sheboygan's Slo Food), as well as extra tomato plants, so if you would be interested in visiting us and the farm anytime this Memorial Day weekend, or any day in the next week or so, and want to take home with you (no charge!) spinach and/or plants, just send me a text (920) 254-8044, or e-mail ( when you might be coming, and we look forward to seeing you!  Both first-timers, and old friends, welcome!  And if you have an extra hour, and want to help us with our non-stop planting, we wouldn't turn you down!

So just a quick note for this first communication!  More soon!

Peter (& Bernadette, right now visiting her mom in the Netherlands)