Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 2, 2020

Posted on September 1st, 2020 by Peter Seely

ddddThis week's Dragon Tongue beans

ROMANO BEANS:  We made one planting this year of a variety of bush romano beans, and this week they are ready.  If they don't show up in your proposed box, there should be plenty to swap or purchase!  We also have some yellow beans this week as well.  We have for you this week also a red seedless watermelon; we usually find the taste of the seeded varieties superior to the seedless strains, but this one seems pretty good.

REMINDER ON THE SWAPPING OPPORTUNITY:  If for any reason you might want to change what you would be receiving in your upcoming tote, you can click at the end of the e-mail, and then you can get swap out any of the suggested items in your box.  Possible items for swapping would be listed as well, and if the value of the new item(s) is greater than that of the old item, then the system will let you know what additional charge would be applied to your credit card.  It's no extra work for us -- we simply will follow the final tag that we will print out after the closing period has ended!

COMING UP:  Once the melons finish up in another week or two we will be sending some winter squash; we'll probably start with the traditional varieties of butternut and acorn.  In the meantime, for squash lovers we will put in the Extras section some kabocha squash, which we have in more limited quantities.  Too wet to dig potatoes for this week, so hopefully next week we can get back into the field for next week's boxes.  Next week also we will have some red cabbage, and more beets, and scallions, in addition to the tomatoes & peppers and greens.   Our mid-season carrot plantings have been extremely poor, but eventually we should have some decent carrots.  Sweet corn likely a few more times; at least this planting we have kept the raccoons (and even most of the worms!) out!

Peter & Bernadette


Have a good week!

Peter & Bernadette (& crew)