Farm Happenings at River Queen Greens
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Greens and Gratitude

Posted on March 28th, 2020 by Annie Moore

Dear Subscribers,

First, we hope you are all doing okay. And second, we want to reiterate how much we appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm for local food over the last few weeks. This has been a truly overwhelming time for us, both from the scariness and uncertainty of this historical moment, and from the amount work we have been doing to scale up our Farm Share. We know how lucky we are to be able to do this, even in record high temperatures, and are inspired to do it by the community we hope we are serving. Everyone is playing a part in keeping this city together.

This week, we have a lot of beautiful greens and an assortment of other exciting veggies that we hope you'll enjoy. We'll also continue offering Local Cooling Farm eggs, Mycelium Express oyster mushrooms, and The Lost Line onigirazu (avocado and egg and/or roasted carrot sushi sandwiches). Compostella Farm will be contributing more salad greens and carrots again as well.

Thank you again and stay well!

Annie and Cheryl

PS - Some of you have seen our Rutabaga Ginsburg T-shirts and wondered about purchasing them through the Farm Share. We have an Etsy shop with lots of vegetable celebrity pun merchandise. You can place an order on Etsy and make a note that you're in our Farm Share. We'll refund the shipping and include your order in your veggie box.

PPS - We're still accepting returned white takeout style microgreens containers, so keep 'em coming!